
My Planning After Bachelor

Finally perjalanan kuliah nyampe juga ke semester 8. What do you think in this semester? aku rasa banyak banget pejuangan yang harus dilakukan di semester ini. Not the first stuggle but continuation of struggle. Yappp, because of my parent who have given me everythink what i want. I have planed everthing until i get my bachelor later. So, what will i do after bachelor? haha so hard to explain about this topic. I just plan and i dont know what happen after this. I want to continue my education in the overseas. why must in the overseas? Dont just to look so cool or got a lot of people's praise. Not like that. The reason, karena aku ingin bertemu dan berkenalan dengan orang-orang baru di luar sana, ingin mendapat banyak pengalaman dan pelajaran, ingin mandiri, ingin mengenal budaya lain yang bisa aku ambil impact baiknya, ingin menambah wawasan dan masih banyak alasan dan keinginan lainnya. I know budget so expensive if i must go to overseas to school. Dan gak mau membebani orang tu

What's wrong with me?

Aku tipe anak yang mudah buat temenan sama siapa aja, tapi aku termasuk milih milih kalau buat dijadiin sahabat. Sebenernya itu sahabat ini punya arti tersendiri pada diri seseorang. Susah ungkapinnya mungkin karna seorang sahabat itu terlalu berharga buat aku. Tapi sometime, yang namanya sahabat gak selamanya jadi air yang ngalir akur-akur aja gtu. Enggak deh menurut aku. Terkadang malah ngeselin haha karna mungkin kita sama-sama  belum paham dari sifat kepribadian masing-masing. Walaupun udah tau watak dari sahabat sendiri tapi perbedaan sifat itu yang mungkin buat kita jauh. Like long distance relationship wkwk. Disini sebenarnya intinya aku pengen curhat aja gitu, karna belakangan ini aku gak tau mau ngomong kesiapa dan cerita ke siapa dari beban dan perasaan yang aku alami. About my education and my problem in my life. I don’t know sekarng aku ngerasa jauh banget sama orang yang udah aku anggap sahabat, dan itu rasanya kayak ada yang hilang. And i don’t know what happen with me,

DAY 17- 20

August 22-25, 2017 I ready to teach in grade 9 and grade 11. I teach 4 times in 2 class. So everyday from Tuesday until Friday i teach in 1 class. It's the first time i teach in the school. This is my experience in Philippines. I can teach students in Philippines. They are smart students and always active in class when i gove the question for them. They always do exercise which i gove for them. And they got high sscore.

DAY 14-16

August 19-21, 2017. We stayed in the dorm to finishing our lesson plan. Because on Tuesday we must teach. Iwill teach in Senior High School and Junior High School. We will teach from Tuesday until Friday. So we cant to go to somewhere to holiday, we just do lesson plan in the dorm.

DAY 13

Day 13, August 18,2017. Today is friday. Actually we still be asisten teaching, but we must went to Vigan. We went there with ma'am Sally. She is our coordinator in Pangasinan. Vigan is very far. We need time until 7 hours to on the way. When we went there, we break first in the beach to ate lunch. Ma'am Fanesha had cooked chicken and we ate together bcs we had long travel. After arrive in Vigan, we looked many store to bought souvenirs and we watched water showed there, and it's very bautifull and wonderfull.

DAY 12

Day 12, August 17 2017. Today we still gove motivation and worksheet to students in the class as asistant teaching. And after that we stayed in the office in RS and talked with the other teacher there. Because today is independance day of Indonesia so we talked about Indonesia with the other teacher in the office . We gove picture about Indonesia to them. And we also taked picture with our flag and sing a song Indonesia Raya in the dorm. we are really miss Indonesia.

DAY 11

Day 11, August 16, 2017. We gove motivation to grade 9 in S enior High School and we dont had class in Senir High School. So, we just be asistant teaching in the morning.